SAP applications, modules, and databases..OH MY!

Trying to balance different operating systems, applications, and SAP modules can sometimes seem like an uphill battle. Luckily for you, SAP has created a tool to make this a little easier (and optimize your systems and operations in the process).

Cue SAP Basis.

SAP Basis is SAP’s version of system administration, and it provides valuable programs and tools to help SAP ERP teams monitor and administer crucial business applications and maintain comprehensive SAP environments. Read on to learn more about the tool and what it can do for your organization!

What is SAP Basis Administrator?

SAP Basis, or “Business Application Software Integrated Solution”, is a set of tools that acts as an interface for different operating systems, databases, communication, and business application protocols and activities. SAP Basis helps streamline administration and maintenance processes within the SAP system, including application installation, load balancing, system configuration, and performance monitoring of SAP modules.

Key Capabilities of the SAP Basis & ABAP Systems

SAP Basis provides the core technical foundation for the SAP system and works with SAP Netweaver and the SAP ABAP Application Server to monitor and manage system installation and administration.

The Basis application facilitates communication between operating systems and databases, improves the accuracy and efficiency of business data exchange processes, and optimizes the performance of your SAP applications across the board.

While SAP Basis full form is used mainly for setting up SAP systems, monitoring server instances, and creating various system management tools, SAP ABAP focuses on producing and enhancing the function of SAP business applications. And, although they function as two separate tools within the SAP system, the Basis and ABAP programs complement each other (basically, SAP Basis acts as a conduit between ABAP and the main operating system).

Here are a few of the SAP Basis roles and responsibilities::

  1. More efficient programming models: The advanced business application programming (ABAP) model allows users to publish CDS views directly to the interface, facilitates system performance and development with templates (i.e., Freestyle and Smart), and helps optimize the performance of SAP HANA-powered applications.
  2. Improved SAP app development: By surfacing API in the SAP cloud platform, users can decrease system downtime, offer more efficient software, provide more interactive applications, and increase user engagement through self-service options. ABAP also allows on-premise customers access to cloud system characteristics by working as a Platform as a Service (PaaS).
  3. Functional code analysis tools: Code analysis tools in ABAP allow users to remove complex coding from usage procedure logs, adapt codes to meet new requirements of updated SAP architecture (and, specifically within SAP HANA and S/4HANA), and monitor the performance of database queries and simplification procedures.

Benefits of SAP Basis Managed Services & Administration

SAP Basis Managed Services provide the tools necessary for taking the burden off of your administrative team and keeping your SAP systems aligned and performing optimally.

Managed services are built to maintain continuous system functionality, easily adapt to changes in system environments or industries, and provide a secure and reliable SAP system that makes the jobs of key decision-makers much easier.

Here are a few of the key benefits of using SAP Managed Services in your organization:

Increased System Stability

Proper SAP system admin and management is crucial to an organization’s success.

But oftentimes, companies lack the right resources and technical support to adequately manage the system and continually keep up with SAP standards. This is where the SAP Basis application comes in.

An SAP Basis admin provide the necessary tools to maintain high performance levels throughout your organization’s SAP landscape, manage interfacing and integration processes within the SAP server and beyond, and configure SAP applications to optimize efficiency.

IT Automation

SAP Basis is built on the foundation of modern information technology (IT), helps to empower users and administrators, and makes controlling decision logic simpler through common data models within the SAP database, extended SQL, and improved connectivity to business software.

With SAP Basis, your organization has the ability to automate and optimize your IT processes and internal controls. Here are a few of the key benefits of automating IT procedures using SAP Basis administration tools:

  • Improved internal system efficiency
  • Reduced system downtime for maintenance procedures
  • Increased employee productivity with automated self-service capabilities
  • Automatic updates and quicker deployment of new software and applications

Reduced Costs

Running and maintaining a system with as many available modules, applications, and services as SAP is no easy feat. It requires continuous monitoring to ensure everything is operating properly and round-the-clock maintenance to catch any issues or hiccups quickly and without too much of an impact to overall processes.

With a management system like SAP Basis, your internal team is able to track system changes and find solutions to any issues in real-time, saving your organization valuable time and money in the long run.

Integration with Other Systems

One of the main ways to improve your business programming model is to integrate business processes across your organization’s applications, systems, and organizational boundaries. SAP Basis offers the functionality needed to connect your SAP systems, including Finance Accounting, Sales & Distribution, Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) and Production Planning.

With the help of Basis, your SAP systems now have the capability to communicate effectively with each other, increasing the productivity of not only one of your SAP applications, but your SAP system environment as a whole.

And, in addition to its SAP application integrations, SAP Basis also supports the configuration of SAP applications into other operating systems and databases, such as Windows, Oracle, and IBM DB2. With improved integration functions between your SAP environment and other external systems, optimizing your overall business processes is made simple.

Getting Started with SAP Basis

System administration is no simple task, especially when you run multiple SAP applications or use other external operating systems and databases all at the same time. This is where a tool like SAP Basis comes in handy.

Not sure how to use a tool like this within your SAP system landscape? No need to worry!

Surety Systems has a team of senior-level SAP consultants who are here to help. Whether you’re just getting started with SAP Basis or you need to find a better way to integrate the tool with your other systems, our consultants have the right skills and experience to get the job done.

How Can We Help?

Need additional support creating an SAP administration plan that brings your SAP applications and different operating systems together? Our SAP consulting services have you covered. Just need an extra hand navigating a new graphical user interface (SAP GUI) within your SAP architecture? Our SAP consultants can help with that too.

Wherever your needs lie, our team is here to help you. They have what it takes to handle any kind of project across the entire SAP landscape. Sounds a little too good to be true, right?

Luckily for you, it’s not! Our SAP consultant team is made up of people who understand the importance of an SAP Basis consultant’s responsibilities, and they want to help you.

Even better, we’ve included a sample profile of one of our SAP Basis consultants to give you a better idea of what to expect when partnering with us.

Surety Senior SAP Basis Consultant

  • US Citizen
  • 20+ years of SAP experience
  • Certified Technical Basis Consultant and Certified OS/DB Migration Consultant
  • Extensive experience with Windows/SQL Server environment
  • Excels with Performance Tuning, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
  • Strong with Refreshing, STAD transactions, and Transports
  • Comfortable in SAP S/4HANA environments

Contact us today to get started.