When it comes to migrating from Lawson S3 to the Cloud, we’ve written about general tips and tricks and common mistakes to avoid, but what about data and security? After all, there’s no point in moving to a new system if doing so corrupts all your data (or worse, having pristine data that is also insecure).

Here’s a high-level look at what you need to know when it comes to handling your data and security needs during a Lawson S3-to-Cloud migration.

Data—What to Archive, Move, Purge, or Clean

Before you make the move from S3 to the Cloud, you’ll need to archive any data that you will need in the new system (and ensure that you’ll be able to reference it in the target system). As for data that you don’t need anymore? Think of this process as a bit like moving to a new house—if you haven’t worn that shirt in a while, why bother moving it? In other words, whatever data you aren’t going to need anymore, purge.

Continuing the metaphor, in the same way, that you’d clean all your dishes before moving them to your new house, you’ll want to clean up your known data issues in your current system before moving to the target system. Of course, before you do that, we advise running critical reports in your source system prior to data migration/cutover so that you can use those reports as a reference once everything switches over to the target system. 

Finally, if you’re going to be migrating a lot of data to your new system, your new best friend is going to be the Infor Spreadsheet Designer (not to mention someone who’s good at using the Infor Spreadsheet Designer).

Time to Brush Up on Your Security Knowledge

Just as important as correctly transferring your data from your old Lawson setup to your target system is ensuring that your data (not to mention the system overall) is secure. There are a few things you’re going to need to make sure you thoroughly understand before making the move, including business classes for Landmark, S3 security utilities (as you’ll need to dump your old classes/roles), program changes, and more to ensure that your org is protected. While setting up your own security is an option that’s open to you, we recommend going with an expert like a third-party consultant. 

An Expert Consultant = Smooth Sailing

Senior-level Lawson consulting experience with a wide variety of setups at other companies means they’re able to offer out-of-the-box solutions that might not occur to your internal team. Add in the fact that having someone in your corner who’s practiced in this type of migration means they’ll have a firm grasp of common migration mistakes to avoid, and it’s clear that hiring the right Lawson consultant can save you time, money, and a whole lot of stress.

Interested in starting your Lawson S3-to-the-Cloud migration, or just want to learn more about the process? Contact us today.