Whether you’re implementing Kronos Workforce Dimensions for the first time or upgrading from Workforce Central, the process can be a huge undertaking. We’ve outlined some tips and tricks you should know before getting started with an implementation in a previous three-part series. (To read the first post, Kronos Workforce Dimensions: Implementation Mistakes to Avoid Before Getting Started, click on the link.)
One of the most important tips we offer in those articles is to have the proper staffing in place before you start implementing Workforce Dimensions. Having the right people in your corner is critical to project management, clearly communicating information to stakeholders, and getting everything done on time and within budget. But how many people do you need, exactly, and who should be in charge of doing what? We’re about to break it down for you.
This article covers the resources you’ll need to build a team of Workforce Dimensions implementation all-stars, from your Kronos project manager to subject matter experts and third-party consultants. Let’s get started.
Workforce Dimensions Project Team
When implementing or upgrading to Workforce Dimensions, staffing and organization need to be clearly defined. However the implementation team is structured, it needs to balance project objectives, user needs, and long-term goals while delivering a project that’s on time without going over budget.
These roles should be established and defined early—we suggest getting your ducks in a row even before the project kicks off. It’s also important to note that every organization and implementation is different, which means the number of individuals assigned to any specific team might look different depending on the scope and size of your organization.
Let’s break down each section of the team:
Project Managers
Many clients wonder if they need a third-party (aka client-side) project manager. If Kronos assigns a project manager to the project, do they really need another one? The answer is yes, and let’s explain why.
Kronos’ project manager is only tasked with managing their resources. If you only relied on the Kronos project manager, there’d be no one to manage your resources or your team. A third-party project manager, on the other hand, can oversee the entire project and act as a client advocate to make sure that everyone (including Kronos) is fulfilling their obligations to the project.
Here’s a breakdown of some of project manager roles and responsibilities:
Client-side Project Manager
- Develops a detailed project schedule
- Ensures business procedures are documented
- Communicates timelines and issues to the team
- Makes sure team members and stakeholders are fulfilling responsibilities and designates support when needed
- Completes discovery documents and workbook with help from other team members
- Leads project meetings and updates everyone on status
- Continually reviews the schedule and deliverables to ensure project milestones are being met and project stays on time
Kronos Project Manager
- Acts as the point of contact for Kronos team and resources
- Handles customer requests to project templates
- Creates timeline for Kronos-related project deliverables
- Adjusts assignments and timelines as needed
Subject Matter Experts
To successfully implement Kronos Workforce Dimensions, you’ll need to ensure that you gather a team of subject matter experts (SMEs) from across the company to lead their respective project areas. This team should include someone from human resources (HR), payroll/finance, and IT.
Here’s what each SME is responsible for managing:
Payroll SME
- Contributes information related to your time, attendance, contracts, payroll practices, and policies
- Assists in everything related to human resources, including benefits, recruitment, compensation grades, organizational structure, and other employee policies and practices
- Performs Kronos administration and coordinates on development of conversions and interfaces
- Sets up applications needed for system administration
- Conducts system and unit testing
- Assists with data cleanup and transfer
Third-party Consultants
There are many reasons to bring on a third-party Kronos consultant to your project. But the biggest reason is that they can help you with the things you didn’t even know that you don’t know, not to mention making sure that those things get done right the first time.
For example, did you know that the business structure in Workforce Dimensions is different from other Kronos products? If you don’t understand the new structure and set it up correctly from the beginning, it can cause problems downstream in your HR or payroll software.
Another common source of problems for customers is integrations. Because Kronos works with a lot of different software solutions, a consultant that’s “been there, done that” can help you evaluate your options and look at your integration strategy holistically.
Consultants can also help with training. Kronos will give you access to a website with thousands of hours of training videos, which is helpful, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. (We’ve heard it described as “like trying to drink from a firehose when all you wanted was a glass of water.”) Our consultants can create training classes and materials for all levels of users that are tailored specifically to the needs of your employees.
Where to Find All-Star Kronos Consultants and Project Managers
If you’re a new or existing Kronos customer, Workforce Dimensions is your future. When you’re ready to implement or migrate, Surety Systems can help you build a team of all-stars.
Our senior-level Kronos consulting and project management teams have been implementing and using Workforce Dimensions since it was released. Not only can we help you get up to speed on Workforce Dimensions, our consultants have expertise in workforce management to help you identify opportunities you may be missing so that you can make the most of your investment.
Contact us today to get started.