When it comes to rewarding employees for a job well done and ensuring a purpose-driven culture across the entire organization, users need a solution that delivers intelligent insights into peer recognition and rewards, top contributors, and recommended improvements.

This is where Oracle Celebrate, an intelligent employee recognition solution within the Oracle HCM Cloud platform, comes in to help!

This article discusses the key features and advantages of the Oracle Celebrate platform, how it revolutionizes the way managers reward employees for their contributions, and where our team of Oracle consultants can fit in your organization.

Understanding the Oracle Celebrate Solution

Oracle Celebrate, a critical component of the Oracle ME employee experience platform, offers real-time workforce insights that drive employee engagement, empower fair recognition and rewards programs, and contribute to a more positive company culture across teams.

The Celebrate platform is fully integrated with Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, enabling organizations to tailor employee recognition program initiatives to the needs of various business groups, such as different countries, regions, or lines of business.

Oracle HCM Celebrate makes it easier for business users to:

  • Drive better performance and ensure positive work environments by connecting company values to real-time recognition insights and event-based awards
  • Enable employees to earn points for points-to-cash recognition programs when team members recognize them
  • Foster a unique company culture by tailoring peer recognition programs to each business group and enabling employees to recognize peers for milestone events or submit nominations for awards
  • Access a recognition insights dashboard for detailed insights into rewards trends, individual performance, and areas of improvement across different segments of the organization

Navigating the Critical Features

Efficient program setup

Tailored programs: Build personalized employee recognition programs for different teams or segments of the organization, including employees in a specific country, branch, or department.

Reward nominations: Allow employees to recognize their peers for strong performance or milestone events and nominate others for awards, such as Employee of the Month.

Value-driven behaviors: Connect company values to recognition programs to drive desired performance and improve overall company culture.

Budgeting capabilities: Leverage a single native Oracle Cloud HCM solution to manage points-to-cash programs accurately and ensure proper budget control across teams.

Real-time workforce data

Analytics: Utilize real-time HCM insights to connect recognition programs to business impacts, such as DE&I initiatives and attrition.

Organization: Create team recognition dashboards that enable managers to reward and support their employees fairly and frequently.

Adoption: Access analytics and breakdowns by team, group, and organizational levels to understand adoption for employee recognition and rewards programs.

Peer-to-peer recognition

Generative AI assistant: Access generative AI recommendations to create meaningful notes of recognition based on individual employee context.

Recognition hub: Leverage a single platform to amplify individual performance, acknowledge peers for their efforts, and streamline rewards across the entire organization.

Flow of work capabilities: Embed peer-to-peer recognition capabilities into an employee’s daily routine to recognize employees in the moment.

Redeemable points: Enable employees to earn points when they are recognized by peers and redeem their accrued points for rewards over time.

Social feed recognition: Build an interactive, recognition-based social feed to amplify experiences and ensure team, group, and organizational rewards are recognized.

Delivering Better Employee Experiences

Unified employee experience platform

Oracle Celebrate provides a single experience that enables organizations to build a resilient, purpose-driven culture, create engaging recognition programs, and drive better employee performance.

Real-time recognition

By leveraging intelligent Oracle Celebrate capabilities, users can incorporate peer-to-peer recognition into the flow of work, delivering opportunities to improve user adoption.

Improved engagement and retention

Oracle’s single native cloud solution makes it easier for organizations to visualize the impact of specific recognition programs on existing processes and assess critical performance trends across teams.

Getting Started with Our Team

From outlining plans for a new Oracle implementation project and managing critical implementation processes to building comprehensive product strategy guidelines for Oracle HCM Cloud integrations and navigating new capabilities across the Oracle landscape, Surety Systems can help.

Our senior-level Oracle consulting team has what it takes to handle all your critical project objectives, regardless of the scale or scope of the project or the complexity of your organizational structure.

Contact Us

For more information about our Oracle consulting services or to get started on a project with our team of expert Oracle consultants, contact us today.