Inforum 2016 was a blast for everyone! Surety Systems’ Infor Lawson Practice Group traveled to New York City in July where we hosted an MVP Reception for our customers at Clyde Frazier’s. It was great seeing all of our customers at the event, along with being able to play some basketball as well. Who knew they could have a basketball court inside the restaurant? Well, maybe not a full court, but it was large enough to get up a few 3-pointers while other customers gave each other a hard time. Congratulations to the five winners of the $100 Amex gift cards that we gave away at the event.
One of the biggest takeaways from Inforum is that Infor Lawson is pushing their cloud services and making big strides in that arena. Over 50% of their services revenue has been generated from cloud services within the last 12 months. With that being said, not all customers are interested in or want to move to the cloud. With Infor Xi on the radar for a lot of customers, many are concerned that they will be required to jump to the cloud. The good news for those folks is that Infor did let customers know that you will NOT be required to jump to the cloud when you decide to move to Infor Xi. After speaking with a few customers, it was clear that this was a huge relief due to how their current security and infrastructure is set up.
It was another successful Inforum conference for us, and we look forward to seeing everyone at the next event.