Putting the Why Before the What
Time for a Workforce Central Upgrade? Want to install more Kronos modules? Starting to experience hiccups with your system? Sounds like it’s high time for a Kronos system assessment.
Kronos is a leading workforce management tool. It helps companies simplify processes, manage labor costs, and keep employees engaged. But to stay nimble and competitive, upgrades and add-ons are par for the course. However, years of tweaks, customizations, and integrations make system improvements a tad more… involved. That’s why a comprehensive Kronos system assessment should be the first step of any major project.
Technology audits and assessments are often perceived to be expensive, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. But when you think about it, you’ll see that the cost of not performing one can actually be higher than the audit itself. An assessment helps ensure IT is delivering on business needs by uncovering opportunities, mitigating risks, and increasing productivity.
Not all assessments are created equal, of course. On one hand, you have vendor-based services (naturally) favoring their own solutions. On the other, IT firms lacking HCM and industry knowledge. That’s why supplementing your team with an independent Kronos expert—like Surety Systems—gives you the best of both worlds.
Surety has no skin in the resale game and is only vested in one thing: your success. Because our senior-level Kronos consultants have firsthand experience in many industries, we not only have a deep understanding of the technology but also how it’s best applied. What’s more, our independence allows us to provide innovative solutions—helping to reduce your costs and increase ROI. Win-win.